English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "skim" het verskeie woordeboekdefinisies, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van sy mees algemene betekenisse:Om 'n dun lagie van die bokant van 'n vloeistof te verwyder: "Sy het 'n lepel gebruik om die skuim van die bokant van die kookpunt af te skuim. sop."Om vinnig te lees of deur te kyk: "Hy het die verslag voor die vergadering deurgelees om 'n idee van die hoofpunte te kry." Om sekere dele van 'n teks oor te slaan of te ignoreer: "Ek het nie tyd om die hele roman te lees nie, so ek sal maar die eerste paar hoofstukke deurkyk." Om vinnig en liggies oor 'n oppervlak te beweeg: "Die voël het oor die water se oppervlak geskiet, op soek na visse."Om geld bedrieglik of onwettig te vat: “Die rekenmeester is betrap dat hy geld uit die maatskappy se rekeninge afgeskep het.”Om van ’n dun lagie van ’n stof te voorsien: “Die kok sal die bokant van die sous met room afskep. "

Sentence Examples

  1. He saw a few large insects skim the calmer edges of the pool.
  2. More times than not, I skim the prologue to get the gist of what is to come.
  3. She knew the exterior of their manor so well that she could skim, eyes closed, along the narrow stone ledge ringing the windows without falling or alerting anyone to her presence.
  4. Most of us just skim the reviews for good quotes for advertising because reviews are for the readers.
  5. You would think that you could walk dry under it to the opposite hills, and that the swallows which skim over might perch on it.
  6. Were a man to skim the surface he would fall in love with a fairytale, an ideal that would soon enough shatter and scar.
  7. Damp tendrils of hair escaped the twist on top of her head, clinging to her neck, and a white terry cloth bathrobe fell in soft folds to skim her ankles.
  8. His gaze averted as he watched the gargantuan dragon begin to skim the tree tops, already far away.
  9. Unfortunately, the Feithidi were made when the master was still learning his craft and their wings were not big enough to carry their hefty bodies, leaving them only able to skim short distances.
  10. As I saw no manure, I judged that they meant to skim the land, as I had done, thinking the soil was deep and had lain fallow long enough.