English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "sirene" het 'n paar verskillende betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks:'n Soort harde, huilende alarm wat tipies gebruik word om te waarsku teen gevaar of om mense se aandag in 'n noodgeval.In die Griekse mitologie, 'n wese wat half-vrou en half-voël was, met 'n pragtige sangstem wat matrose na hul dood gelok het.'n Vrou wat as baie aantreklik of verleidelik beskou word.'n Toestel wat gebruik word om 'n musikale toon te produseer, wat dikwels in noodgevalle gebruik word voertuie soos polisiemotors of ambulanse om bestuurders op hul teenwoordigheid te waarsku.'n Soort musiekinstrument soortgelyk aan 'n fluit, maar met 'n meer deurdringende klank.'n Soort voël wat bekend is vir sy harde, kenmerkende roep.

Sentence Examples

  1. The horns, the siren faded, and from the bedroom there was the faint sound of the jazz station she liked.
  2. The sound of a lone police siren cut through the quiet.
  3. His blue lights flickered in the fog followed by the siren.
  4. Another siren song echoed across the hard surfaces of the hospital.
  5. The first police cruiser slid through the intersection ahead of me, the siren blaring.
  6. In the distance, but growing louder by the second, comes the wail of a siren, and now Sara can just see the flashing red and blue lights of an ambulance.
  7. She was probably already heading for the subway station when a police car zipped down the road at great speed, its siren blaring, something that, under normal circum-stances, Babis would have ignored.
  8. As we passed beneath it, the sound of the approaching siren faded and the dull drone of the Supermarket replaced it.
  9. His red light had been placed atop the car, but no siren accompanied it.
  10. That spot in his life was reserved for a certain strawberry-blonde, turquoise-eyed siren who had captured his attention when they were kids.