English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gesimuleer" is om die voorkoms, karakter of toestande van iets na te boots of weer te gee, tipies op 'n rekenaar of ander elektroniese toestel. Dit kan ook beteken om voor te gee of te maak, om 'n gelykenis of voorstelling van iets te skep, of om 'n situasie of omgewing te skep wat soos die werklikheid lyk, maar nie werklik werklik is nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Above them, simulated stars and a full moon filtered light throughout the park, and there was a gentle breeze circulating from somewhere that brought with it the evening scents of Earth in a well-designed city park.
  2. Maybe the simulated actors were too good to be true.
  3. Her lanyard end, stuck into a zipped upper pocket, simulated possession of a badge, and her handbag she wrapped in the towel, and then jammed it under her arm.
  4. The shiny surface of the severed parts glinted in the simulated sun.
  5. It was the third time in as many days that she had been killed during a simulated dogfight.
  6. Ace suggested we also add a simulated cockpit intrusion call to ATC from one of the flights.