English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "simplisties" is: gekenmerk deur uiterste eenvoud of naïwiteit, veral op 'n manier wat as té reduksionisties of ongesofistikeerd beskou word. Dit kan ook beteken dat jy 'n gebrek aan begrip of sofistikasie toon.

Sentence Examples

  1. Some sort of tribal tattoo, with simplistic but bold designs, covered exactly one half of his chest and all of one arm.
  2. To relax the mind, it must be filled with a single simplistic thought, such as an image.
  3. At times he can see past the questions, and yet their simplistic action seeking is unsatisfactory.
  4. Could she have, additionally, found it to be incomprehensibly simplistic, unusually predictable, unpredictably common, profoundly shal-low, deeply superficial, or, on the contrary, somewhat too deep for her taste?
  5. As simplistic and shrewd as it was, she never had a lot of options.
  6. A simplistic solution was no match for what he and his colleagues had developed.