English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ondertekening" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Die handeling om 'n mens se naam op 'n dokument te skryf as 'n manier om ooreenkoms of toestemming tot die inhoud daarvan te toon.Die handeling van aanstelling of aanstelling iemand aan 'n kontrak of ooreenkoms, soos 'n sportspan wat 'n nuwe speler onderteken of 'n platemaatskappy wat 'n musikant onderteken.Die daad van kommunikasie deur middel van gebaretaal, veral vir diegene wat doof of hardhorend is. 'n Openbare geleentheid waarin 'n skrywer, musikant of ander openbare figuur formeel kopieë van hul jongste werk vir aanhangers aanbied en handtekeninge teken.


  1. sign language

Sentence Examples

  1. Moving in, riding to Guatemala, diving lessons, signing, and so on.
  2. All eyes in the café followed our signing as we walked to the motorcycle for the final run to Tepic.
  3. Pearl invited me to visit a deaf couple for more signing practice.
  4. I verify the return counts on all the rentals before signing the paperwork.
  5. The bathroom became our haven for warmth, relaxing, and signing.
  6. Brenddel was signing papers and calmly looked up from his work.
  7. I studied The Joy of Signing at home and on the bus.
  8. To add common adverbs, you add feeling to your signing, like fast, anger, uncertainty.
  9. I introduced the women to each other, speaking and signing.
  10. We hiked without signing, absorbed in our thoughts.