English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sein" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n gebaar, klank of handeling wat inligting oordra of instruksies gee, tipies om 'n boodskap te kommunikeer of 'n spesifieke handeling aan te dui. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n toestel of stelsel wat 'n boodskap uitstuur, soos 'n radiosein of verkeersein.As 'n werkwoord beteken "sein" om 'n boodskap oor te dra of instruksies te gee deur 'n gebaar, klank , of aksie. Dit kan ook verwys na die gebruik van 'n toestel of stelsel om 'n boodskap oor te dra, soos om hulp te beduie of 'n draai aan te dui terwyl jy bestuur.

Sentence Examples

  1. Up ahead, the walk signal beeped loudly, indicating it was time to cross.
  2. I raised my hand to signal Richard to be still where he was.
  3. The Rangoon was moored half a mile off in the harbour, its signal of departure hoisted at the mast-head.
  4. When they were at a distance where they could clearly be seen, Richard raised his hand in a signal for them to stop.
  5. When I look up again, the waiter is passing by and I signal for another round.
  6. The train had stopped before a red signal which blocked the way.
  7. The television was old as dirt too, so I had to use one of those boxes to convert the digital signal to analog.
  8. Edward, whooping, held aloft a leather bag, the signal that the deed was done, and as quickly as they had descended, they disappeared into the veiled shelter of the forest, leaving the men to regroup and speed the carriage from the ambush.
  9. Fix decided that he must warn the English authorities, and signal the Rangoon before her arrival.
  10. He had little opportunity to get a message out from the palace, instead he devised a way to send a signal.