English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "beleg" is 'n militêre operasie waarin vyandelike magte 'n dorp of gebou omsingel, en noodsaaklike voorrade afsny, met die doel om diegene binne te dwing om oor te gee. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n lang tydperk van aanhoudende pogings of stryd, tipies om 'n moeilike struikelblok of uitdaging te oorkom.


  1. beleaguering
  2. besieging
  3. military blockade

Sentence Examples

  1. Smashed siege engines, water-filled trenches, and all the flotsam a long siege creates lay scattered around the battlefield like discarded toys.
  2. Thou didst address thyself to my simplicity, thou didst lay siege to my virtue, thou wert not ignorant of my station, well dost thou know how I yielded wholly to thy will there is no ground or reason for thee to plead deception, and if it be so, as it is, and if thou art a Christian as thou art a gentleman, why dost thou by such subterfuges put off making me as happy at last as thou didst at first?
  3. The travellers defended themselves bravely some of the cars were barricaded, and sustained a siege, like moving forts, carried along at a speed of a hundred miles an hour.
  4. And, to set forth the valor of my own dear countrymen, I assured him that I had seen them blow up a hundred enemies at once in a siege, and as many in a ship, and beheld the dead bodies drop down in pieces from the clouds, to the great diversion of the spectators.
  5. I told him of the yearlong siege of the Anktooth and the final days before the fall of Ank.
  6. Imagine the troop of church ladies that would lay siege to the house, in search of a dress in which to bury poor Mrs.
  7. The last I heard, their capital was under siege, yet they still resisted.
  8. With the proper fortifications, they would have enough water and, if properly stocked, enough food to outlast a lengthy siege.
  9. Wyatt was a man who had fought for England in the Italian wars, and later played a prominent role in the siege of Boulogne he had little intention of standing by and watching Mary hand his country to Spain.

TV Series Examples



and now lays siege to Riverrun,



- They don't have siege weapons.