English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sidekick" is 'n hegte metgesel of maat wat 'n ander persoon vergesel en bystaan, veral in 'n ondergeskikte rol. Dit word dikwels gebruik om 'n betroubare vriend, assistent of vennoot te beskryf wat altyd aan iemand se sy is en ondersteuning en lojaliteit bied. Die term het in die 19de eeu in die Verenigde State ontstaan, en word dikwels geassosieer met Westerse flieks en strokiesprentboeke waar die held 'n getroue en betroubare sidekick het om hom in sy avonture te help.


  1. pal
  2. crony
  3. chum
  4. brother
  5. buddy

Sentence Examples

  1. I fell to the floor, but recovered quickly and rolled away as he threw a sidekick at my face.
  2. He delivered Tom into a car like none he had entered since he moonlighted as a bell hop at the Ambassador and a valet sidekick took him for a spin.
  3. By they I mean Detective Lieutenant Frank Wenders and his sidekick Detective Dave Mason, two more frauds passing themselves off as real cops these paid by the city.
  4. His guardians, the Widow Douglas and her nasty sister, were the Protestant version of Sister Bridget and her sidekick, Sister Michael Ursula.
  5. Sensing someone in the shadows near his bunk, he struck with a vicious sidekick, feeling his foot connect and the target give a loud groan.
  6. I saw the detectives, the bovine Wenders himself and his sidekick little runny-nosed Mason, and the two patrol officers, neither of whom I knew, and I marked time until they got their fill and left.
  7. As far as Sam was concerned, running into his brother-in-law and his glamour-model sidekick was just a bonus.