English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skaamheid" is 'n gevoel van senuweeagtigheid of bedeesdheid in die teenwoordigheid van ander mense, veral vreemdelinge of diegene met gesag. Dit word gekenmerk deur 'n onwilligheid om in 'n sosiale situasie te praat of op te tree, wat dikwels gepaard gaan met bloos, sweet of fisiese ongemak. Skaamheid kan 'n normale en tydelike reaksie op nuwe of onbekende situasies wees, maar dit kan ook 'n meer aanhoudende en aftakelende toestand wees wat met sosiale en persoonlike verhoudings inmeng.

Sentence Examples

  1. Their hours of love play had melted away her shyness, and Kristina no longer clamped her thighs together against the touch of his fingers.
  2. A brown-faced woman was standing by the door, and greeted me with the kindly shyness of moorland places.
  3. I remembered one of the short medical lessons Robert gave me, and despite my shyness, I tried to make peace with my new travel mates.
  4. Her shyness made her seem shorter than she already appeared.
  5. I needed answers from His Royal Shyness, so I got the cha-cha started.
  6. Her curiosity must have overcame her shyness, thought M.
  7. Every time she was close to him, her shyness took over.
  8. Soon the smiles turned shyness and James wrapped his arms around Harry.