English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "stort" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Kort tydperk van reën of sneeuval.'n Toestel wat 'n sproei water uitstraal vir bad of was.'n Groot aantal goed wat vinnig en swaar op 'n stortagtige manier val of beweeg, soos vonke of konfetti.'n Partytjie wat gehou word om geskenke te vereer of te gee aan iemand, soos 'n bruidstort of babastort.'n Persoon of ding wat iets wys, skenk of oordra, soos 'n stort van komplimente. As 'n werkwoord beteken "stort":Om te bad of te was onder 'n sproei water.Om iemand of iets te bedek met 'n stort van iets, soos konfetti of vonke.Om vir 'n kort tydperk liggies te reën of te sneeu.Om vir iemand 'n stort te gee, soos 'n bruidstort of babastort.

Sentence Examples

  1. Jordan finished his workout, then went to the locker room by five fifteen to shower and change.
  2. There was a heavy thud, and its tail struck the ground in a shower of blood.
  3. By the time he stepped out of the shower the suns shone bright, attempting to pierce through heavy ropes of fog swirling across the fields and pressing against the windows.
  4. I think of how I will awaken to a brown-water shower and sandpaper towels gleaned from the sales bin at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
  5. The robotic hand smashed into the courtyard, denting the paving slab amidst a shower of shards.
  6. I did the best I could with the rudimentary bathroom, adding a claw-foot tub under the shower head and a batik curtain encircling the tub.
  7. He averts my gaze, heading toward the bathroom to shower.
  8. I throw off my smelly clothes and jump in my new shower, making love to that marble while I turn into a new woman.
  9. An hour later, after a quick run and shower, I pulled into the parking lot at The Big Beanery.
  10. The device burst in a shower of bright, purplish sparks and sent both of us flying back.