English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kortpad" is 'n vinniger of meer direkte manier om 'n bestemming of doelwit te bereik, dikwels deur 'n langer of meer konvensionele roete te omseil. 'n Kortpad kan ook verwys na 'n metode of tegniek wat 'n proses of taak vereenvoudig of versnel, dikwels deur onnodige stappe of aksies te vermy. Oor die algemeen is 'n kortpad 'n manier om 'n gewenste resultaat meer doeltreffend of doeltreffend te bereik, tipies deur die hoeveelheid tyd, moeite of hulpbronne wat benodig word te verminder.


  1. cutoff
  2. crosscut

Sentence Examples

  1. This morning, the man insisted on driving and my stupid self agreed, only to realize too late that it may be a shortcut to the afterlife.
  2. Seems there was no shortcut on this trip, and I tripped on every rock in the road.
  3. I found a shortcut through the old irrigation duct.
  4. She had already decided they would walk along the shoreline to make the boy happy, much to the consternation of her friend, whom she knew would rather take the shortcut along the strand.