English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skiet" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Die daad om 'n geweer, pyl en boog of ander wapen af te skiet: "Hy het saam met sy vriende in die woud gaan skiet."Die daad van

Sentence Examples

  1. Elijah chuckled as they bundled in, shooting off back into the sea.
  2. It seemed like World War I, with people shooting at each other from trenches.
  3. A sharp sciatic pain grips his calf, shooting through his hip and into his buttocks.
  4. Our colleagues start shooting tourism questions such as when does the show begin and end, is it tour bus accessible, would non-Christians enjoy it, etc.
  5. Stricken, Evan found flames shooting from his fingertips.
  6. We were placed on paid leave while we recovered emotionally, and for Jason physically, from the shooting.
  7. The sun had begun its descent behind the mountains, shooting out rays that reminded me of a proud male turkey, showing off his gorgeous fantail.
  8. Arantay was a blur, shooting forwards and kicking Merak in the chest before the Shifter could attack.
  9. Arantay surged forwards, both arms shooting out like pistons.
  10. Raising your hands whilst visualising fireballs shooting from them will cause your sorcery to create it.