English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van bewing is "'n liggaamlike sensasie wat gekenmerk word deur bewing en onwillekeurige sametrekking van die spiere, tipies veroorsaak deur blootstelling aan koue, vrees of opwinding." Dit kan ook verwys na die daad van bewing of die klank of beweging wat met bewing geassosieer word.


  1. chill

Sentence Examples

  1. Jack stood in the room, arms wrapped around his body, shivering uncontrollably.
  2. Catherine sat shivering on top of the lathered horse.
  3. Chilled to the bone, sopping wet, and shivering uncontrollably, it finally dawned on me that we were screwed.
  4. It was difficult to look at them without shivering.
  5. He sat up shivering and drew his cloak around him.
  6. The waiting room ER was chaotic, almost like a pilgrimage of coughing and shivering people.
  7. He lay shivering under his blankets and layered with a film of sweat.
  8. One was toweling the sweat off a red-faced man who was shivering violently.
  9. Evan was feeling the consequences of his fire spells, his body shivering uncontrollably, but otherwise he was fine.
  10. Shivering, I climbed the twisting staircase and hurried through the corridors, not daring to glance at the doors hidden in the gloom.