English to afrikaans meaning of

'n "Skeepseienaar" is 'n persoon of maatskappy wat een of meer skepe besit. Die skeepseienaar is verantwoordelik vir die bedryf en instandhouding van die vaartuig, sowel as die huur en bestuur van bemanningslede. Hulle kan ook betrokke wees by die vervoer en verkoop van vrag, en kan hul skepe teen 'n fooi aan ander maatskappye of individue verhuur.

Sentence Examples

  1. Father and Son We will leave Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantès, who, after having traversed La Canebière, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allées de Meilhan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door, from which he could see the whole of a small room.
  2. The Fifth of September The extension provided for by the agent of Thomson & French, at the moment when Morrel expected it least, was to the poor shipowner so decided a stroke of good fortune that he almost dared to believe that fate was at length grown weary of wasting her spite upon him.
  3. Morrel appeared and was saluted with an enthusiastic burst of applause from the crew of the Pharaon, who hailed the visit of the shipowner as a sure indication that the man whose wedding feast he thus delighted to honor would ere long be first in command of the ship and as Dantès was universally beloved on board his vessel, the sailors put no restraint on their tumultuous joy at finding that the opinion and choice of their superiors so exactly coincided with their own.
  4. Still confidence was not restored to all minds, and the general opinion was that the complete ruin of the unfortunate shipowner had been postponed only until the end of the month.
  5. Morrel had fully anticipated, and which Cocles paid as punctually as the bills which the shipowner had accepted.