English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het die woord "skip" 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Groot vaartuig vir die vervoer van goedere of mense per see, tipies aangedryf deur enjins of seile.'n Ruimtetuig, veral een wat ontwerp is vir interstellêre reis.'n Romantiese paring van twee individue, veral karakters in 'n fiktiewe werk.Afkorting van "verhouding", veral 'n romantiese of seksuele een.As 'n werkwoord kan "skip" beteken:Om goedere of mense per skip te vervoer. Om iets of iemand per skip te stuur.Om 'n skip aan boord te neem, soos in "om goedere te stuur."Om 'n romantiese paring tussen twee individue te ondersteun of te onderskryf , soos in "Ek stuur hulle as 'n paartjie."

Sentence Examples

  1. For a brief moment, I feel like a survivor washed up on a desert island, awaiting rescue from a passing ship.
  2. At twenty-two, he was captain of the largest ship in the Staerleigh fleet, the youngest member ever to have been awarded such an honor.
  3. Blade emblazoned with the House crest of a ship tossed about by a stormy sea, the dagger was a distinctive weapon meant to mark the bearer as a member of House Staerleigh.
  4. The best thing we can do for him is get him aboard his ship once more.
  5. Yet the good ship ploughed straight on, unretarded by wind or wave, towards the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb.
  6. The players Celestino carved out of clay, little figurines of islanders in native dress, a dog, a pirate ship and a high-domed wide-brimmed hat.
  7. The pendant was a small ship at sea, tossed about by roiling waves.
  8. He could even make out the grain of the wood from which the ship had been built.
  9. The entire realm may change, but you will go down with your ship like a true Staerleigh.
  10. It all seems far-fetched but my suspicions fly off Pedro and land on Fernando like a bird on a passing ship.

TV Series Examples



l'll find a ship heading south in White Harbor.



Two eggs - a ship and an army.