English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "beskut" word beskerm of beskerm teen skade, gevaar of strawwe toestande. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n persoon wat oorbeskerm is en weggehou is van die harde realiteite van die lewe, wat dikwels gelei het tot 'n gebrek aan ervaring of kennis van die wêreld. Daarbenewens kan die term gebruik word om 'n plek te beskryf wat beskerming of toevlug bied, soos 'n skuiling of 'n veilige huis.

Sentence Examples

  1. Aouda, cosily packed in furs and cloaks, was sheltered as much as possible from the attacks of the freezing wind.
  2. I found another smooth beech tree surrounded by brush that sheltered me from the wind, scrunched down, and waited.
  3. The soft branches of the shrubs in the front garden, normally sheltered from the prevailing wind by arcs of stone wall, are receiving a lashing.
  4. Shortly before Pennsylvania had become a state, my ancestors developed the sheltered land where the Finnulia River emptied into Crilly Lake at the base of the Wharton Mountains.
  5. He sauntered back along the docks and found a sheltered spot from which he could watch the Roving Seadog completing its loading.
  6. Sancho planted himself behind his ass, and with him sheltered himself from the hailstorm that poured on both of them.
  7. There Passepartout beheld beautiful fir and cedar groves, sacred gates of a singular architecture, bridges half hid in the midst of bamboos and reeds, temples shaded by immense cedar-trees, holy retreats where were sheltered Buddhist priests and sectaries of Confucius, and interminable streets, where a perfect harvest of rose-tinted and red-cheeked children, who looked as if they had been cut out of Japanese screens, and who were playing in the midst of short-legged poodles and yellowish cats, might have been gathered.
  8. Facing the cliff and sheltered somewhat by the reef is a small beach of black sand.
  9. It informed him that the king was carried and sheltered in a cave near the battlefield before being taken to Little Driffield, where his palace stood on North Hill.
  10. The fort overlooks the docks across a sheltered bay.