English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "skêr" verwys tipies na 'n snygereedskap wat uit twee lemme bestaan wat gebruik word om materiaal soos lap, hare of metaal te sny of te sny. Die lemme van skêr is tipies lank en skerp, met een lem met 'n handvatsel aan die een kant en die ander lem het 'n ooreenstemmende handvatsel aan die ander kant. Skêr kan gebruik word deur die handvatsels saam te druk, wat veroorsaak dat die lemme deur die materiaal waaraan gewerk word, sny. Die term "skêr" kan ook in 'n meer algemene sin gebruik word om te verwys na enige sny- of snoeigereedskap wat twee lemme het.

Sentence Examples

  1. They looked no different than an ordinary pair of shears, and even had a bit of rust around the tips of the blades, but a faint golden glow warmed my hands as I touched the metal.
  2. I was familiar with hawkers walking through rush-hour traffic selling flowers and crafts, but I was surprised to see them in Nairobi selling puppies, television antennas, coat racks, pillows, and pruning shears.
  3. Larry worked heavy-duty wire shears along the cyclone fencing, making a hole within seconds big enough for Spooky.
  4. She ran her fingers through her hair for the hundredth time since Miri had taken the shears to it the night before, aware of the absence of several inches of brown curls.
  5. Her hair fell loosely to her shoulders, glowing faintly with a golden light as the shears had done.
  6. Fosgate handed Chadwick the directory, the shears, and the pen.
  7. I still had a piece of a magical radish in my pack that I hoped to use to barter for a pair of enchanted shears.
  8. He switched on a small lamp, revealing a mildly cluttered workspace of papers, cup and calculator, writing instruments and shears, as well as the large safe that stood beside the desk.