English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "broos" is 'n toestand van totale wanorde of verwarring, wat dikwels voortspruit uit 'n gebrek aan organisasie of beplanning. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n plek of toneel van groot vernietiging of verwoesting. Boonop kan "rommel" ook 'n slaghuis of 'n plek beteken waar diere vir vleis afgeslag word. Die woord kan in verskillende kontekste gebruik word, maar dit impliseer gewoonlik 'n chaotiese of morsige situasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Within seconds, the room had emptied, and the papers were a shambles.
  2. The store was in shambles, both physically and financially, but something about its bones had appealed to me.
  3. The meeting was turning into a shambles, and all because Myrtle let emotions rule rather than common sense.
  4. The government was in shambles after we captured the city.
  5. It was neglected and almost in shambles, but she could imagine a grand entrance.
  6. Sara pulled off her veil as they traveled through what was once an upstairs room, now left in shambles.
  7. His legs were in shambles, the impact seemed like it should have shattered every bone in his body.
  8. Olivia had expected the cabin to be a shambles of fruit in various stages of preparation, but it was spotlessly clean.
  9. A few of the boldest and wisest forsook the fires of the gods, which had now become a shambles, and fled into the forest, where, in the end, they starved to death or were eaten by wolves.