English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "wankelrig" is "op 'n wankelrige of onstabiele manier; met 'n bewende of onstabiele beweging of gang." Dit is 'n bywoord wat die manier beskryf waarop iemand of iets bewe, bewe of wankel, wat 'n gebrek aan stabiliteit of balans aandui. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het bewerig geloop nadat die aardbewing opgehou het."

Sentence Examples

  1. With his good arm he lowered himself shakily back to the grass and lay looking up at the clouds, they twisted, grey and confused, across an uncertain sky.
  2. I denied all, of course, and eventually, shakily, managed to calm Gina enough that she could put two and two together.
  3. I got off the thing very shakily, and sat down upon my bench.
  4. He feigned a powerful struggle to lift something heavy as he shakily raised his own slice toward his mouth.
  5. He unshelled himself from the duvet and got shakily to his feet wearing only a pair of filthy briefs.
  6. It took some work, but eventually he stood shakily, clutching at his chest.
  7. There was an old tree stump not too far from where I stood, so I made my way over to it and shakily lowered myself to a sitting position.
  8. I pushed myself shakily to my feet, and swayed from side to side.
  9. Ryan and Gibson stumbled shakily from their vehicle to take up positions behind it.
  10. I stayed on my stomach with my heart pounding until I heard their truck rumble down the hill, and then I climbed shakily to my feet.