English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord beteken "skud" tipies om vinnig heen en weer of op en af te beweeg, dikwels met 'n skokkende of bewende beweging. Die Oxford English Dictionary lys verskeie definisies, insluitend:Om heen en weer of op en af te beweeg met kort, vinnige bewegings, asof dit vibreer of bewe.Om te veroorsaak om met vinnige, kort bewegings heen en weer of op en af te beweeg.Om te laat bewe of bewe, soos deur 'n skielike skok of slag.Om iemand se selfvertroue te ontwrig of te versteur , geloof of kalmte.Om iets van iets anders te verwyder deur dit te skud.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "skud" verwys na 'n bewende of bewende beweging of sensasie, of na 'n dik, skuimerige mengsel van melk en roomys wat saam gemeng word om 'n drankie te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na die daad van skud of die resultaat van iets skud, soos 'n gebou of 'n persoon se hand.


  1. handshake
  2. handshaking
  3. handclasp

Sentence Examples

  1. I shake my head and TB looks only slightly relieved.
  2. And nor could I shake off the raw panic that the whole freaking world was going to hear about this now.
  3. I shiver as if to shake off the feeling but I find the angelite remains in my hand.
  4. She extended her hand, and they clasped wrists in a hearty shake.
  5. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and gave my clock a shake.
  6. The Apothecist parted her lips as if to speak to Lach, but Cianne stopped her with a vehement shake of her head.
  7. It roared, trying to shake me off, but I moved fast.
  8. I sneak one last look down the airport corridor, even check for footprints, shake my head and hand the gate attendant my boarding pass.
  9. I smile, shake my head at the absurdity of it all and rise once more.
  10. She flicks her lights and I pull up next to her, turn off the ignition, pop the trunk and give brat a hard shake.