English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skaduwee" is iets wat van twyfelagtige karakter of eerlikheid is. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n plek wat teen die son beskut is, of 'n area wat donker of dof verlig is. Daarbenewens kan dit iemand of iets beteken wat verdag, onbetroubaar of onbetroubaar is. In informele gebruik kan "skaduwee" ook 'n situasie of gedrag beskryf wat moreel dubbelsinnig of sketsagtig is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sancho followed him on foot, leading by the halter, as his custom was, his ass, his constant comrade in prosperity or adversity and advancing some distance through the shady chestnut trees they came upon a little meadow at the foot of some high rocks, down which a mighty rush of water flung itself.
  2. As they slowly made their way down the shady path, the entrance to the house appeared.
  3. Although at first, I had no idea the extent of his passion, the lengths he would take to expose shady deals, especially when, as they invariably do, those deals impact adversely on the environment.
  4. The fancy camera in her hand suggested she was press, but in reality she was more like an independent blogger, famous for publishing a hasty report revealing the shady shenanigans of a government agency the previous year.
  5. He never fully revealed his intent, but I got the sense that there were some shady circumstances surrounding it.
  6. Though she was eager to share everything she could about her House, she was certainly cagey when it came to details about herself and her somewhat shady skills.
  7. Under a shady tree, there was a neat pile of black and grey switches, tied together at one end, presumably trimmed from the skins of the wolves.
  8. Look for my next post to disclose all the details of these shady shenanigans.
  9. It was a hot day for autumn, and there was a comfortable seat in a shady place.
  10. He was sure that Orion was dealing with all those shady figures who were behind the whole Oasis thing.