English to afrikaans meaning of

Seksisme word gedefinieer as vooroordeel, diskriminasie of stereotipering op grond van 'n persoon se geslag, tipies teenoor vroue. Dit behels dat iemand onregverdig of anders behandel word weens hul geslag, wat dikwels lei tot ongelyke geleenthede en behandeling op gebiede soos indiensneming, onderwys of sosiale interaksies.

Sentence Examples

  1. She tried to keep on working after I was born, but the hours, coupled with the sexism of the seventies and eighties, it was too much for her to carry on.
  2. I began intending to tell the story of Pandora and her daughter, and realised, soon, that one could not look at such a story without the context of the inherent sexism of the ancient world.