English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "seks" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, waarvan sommige is:Die biologiese onderskeid tussen manlik en vroulik, gebaseer op voortplantingsorgane en -funksies. Seksuele aktiwiteit of gedrag, insluitend fisiese intimiteit tussen individue.Die klassifikasie van organismes in manlike, vroulike of hermafrodiete kategorieë.Die grammatikale kategorisering van woorde in manlik, vroulik of onsydig geslagte.'n Term wat gebruik word om die geslag van 'n individu of dier aan te dui, tipies in die konteks van voornaamwoorde of titels.Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die woord " seks" kan verskillende konnotasies en interpretasies hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. If anything, the lack of STDs and accidental pregnancies have made casual sex disturbingly conventional.
  2. He was also very vocal in telling me that you had no experience with kinky sex.
  3. Our friends chipped in and gave us two nights at a Lafayette bed and breakfast called T-Freres, which means Little Brother in Cajun, so we drove the two hours into Cajun Country for sex, crawfish and zydeco dancing.
  4. Who was slowly dying in a Liberati cage while I toyed with the idea of having sex with the Western Prime.
  5. I make it very clear to clients that I do not do sex parties.
  6. At first some rash individuals, principally of the gentler sex, espoused his cause, which became still more popular when the Illustrated London News came out with his portrait, copied from a photograph in the Reform Club.
  7. Even when they were being collected from their homes, they had been segregated by sex.
  8. They strolled to their car in the carefree afterglow of sex.
  9. His words make me feel like a child, but that look makes me feel like a sex goddess.
  10. The birthday girl may get a spanking, the bachelorette may be blindfolded, there may even be a gentle flogging demonstration, but nudity and sex are not allowed.