English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "versameling" veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Groep dinge wat bymekaar hoort of op 'n bepaalde manier gerangskik is.A versameling items wat saam verkoop of aangebied word.'n Groep mense wat saam optree, soos 'n musikale ensemble of 'n rolverdeling van akteurs.'n Groep speletjies of wedstryde wat gespeel word. in 'n bepaalde plek of tyd.'n Stel gereedskap of toerusting wat vir 'n bepaalde doel gebruik word.'n Vaste of vasgestelde tyd of plek vir iets om te gebeur.As 'n werkwoord het "stel" ook veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:Om iets in 'n bepaalde posisie of plek te plaas.Om vas te stel of iets bepaal, soos 'n prys, 'n reël of 'n sperdatum.Om iets op 'n bepaalde manier te reël of reg te maak.Om solied of ferm te word, soos in die geval van gelatien of beton.Om 'n mens se aandag op iets of iemand te vestig.Om 'n toestel of instrument, soos 'n horlosie of 'n kamera, aan te pas of te kalibreer.


  1. exercise set

Sentence Examples

  1. Striker waved to me while preparing for his next set of exercises.
  2. The amber sun slowly set, highlighting the passing of time.
  3. You were the one trying to set me up with Bridget.
  4. Should have known even an offworlder would make the connection sooner or later, though no Walker had set foot in Central for over twelve years.
  5. I think we should set out at ten, to be on the safe side.
  6. I set my sights on Alton when he stepped away from the casket and toward a few of the flower arrangements.
  7. I set my alarm and took a catnap before meeting Eleanor for dinner.
  8. I navigated the winding highway drive with the heater set to die-from-sauna max and the wiper blades on maniacal passive-aggressive mode to keep the windshield clear of heavy sleet and snow.
  9. Did you set Eustacia straight about me not trying to date her fella?
  10. After passing the last set of academic buildings, I heard my name being called.

TV Series Examples



to set before His Grace,



Why is your mother so dead set on us



lt's nine years since l've set foot



and set the Riverland on fire