English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "afsonderlik" is om te laat beweeg of uitmekaar te wees, om in samestellende of afsonderlike elemente te verdeel, of om te onderskei tussen of 'n onderskeid tussen te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na afsonderlik of individueel wees, nie saamgevoeg of verenig nie, of bestaan of plaasvind onafhanklik of in isolasie van ander. As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord kan "afsonderlik" iets beskryf wat afsonderlik, individueel of nie met iets anders saamgevoeg is nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Tankadere entered the Straits of Fo-Kien, which separate the island of Formosa from the Chinese coast, in the small hours of the night, and crossed the Tropic of Cancer.
  2. This man, whom he had just followed around the world, was permitted now to separate himself from him!
  3. My son tells me you survived three separate demon attacks, not including the mass invasion.
  4. A single clean brush, separate from the others stored in old jars, rests next to a dirty rag.
  5. Lights were on in the Bellingham Credit Union, a separate business at the front of the store.
  6. They are what separate the Seers from the Guardians.
  7. In contrast to the glittering entrance hall, the first floor had the appearance of a modern office divided into booths with separate rooms for senior staff.
  8. Yes, but it was still more the fault of the traitor who, in order to separate him from his master, and detain the latter at Hong Kong, had inveigled him into getting drunk!
  9. The train entered the defiles of the Sutpour Mountains, which separate the Khandeish from Bundelcund, towards evening.
  10. Separate himself from the man whom he had so persistently followed step by step!