English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "selfsugtig" is: om primêr besorg te wees oor jou eie belange, voordele en welstand, en min of geen besorgdheid oor ander te toon nie. 'n Persoon wat selfsugtig is, is dikwels daarop gefokus om hul eie begeertes en behoeftes te bevredig, selfs ten koste van ander. Die term "selfsugtig" word oor die algemeen as 'n negatiewe eienskap in die meeste samelewings beskou, aangesien dit dikwels geassosieer word met onvriendelikheid, onbedagsaamheid en 'n gebrek aan empatie teenoor ander.

Sentence Examples

  1. Perhaps you will never be able to accept that someone would be so selfish as to take their own life, despite all your personal evidence to the contrary.
  2. It would be selfish of her to want him to train her instead.
  3. I had been stubborn and selfish, and now I was paying the price.
  4. The idea of how nice it would be for her if he lived in Chicago was selfish.
  5. she wondered in despair, then despised herself for the selfish thought.
  6. You need to stop being so selfish, he told himself once again, and then shook off the feeling by laughingly elbowing Jack beside him.
  7. In selfish men caution is as secure an armour for their foes as for themselves.
  8. Meg was a malicious and deliberately selfish teen.
  9. Harry felt selfish for meddling with such thoughts.
  10. She had vanished and taken their son with her it was selfish.