English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "segment" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Deel of gedeelte van iets groter. Voorbeeld: "Die lemoen kan in segmente verdeel word."Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Afsonderlike of aparte deel van iets. Voorbeeld: "Elke segment van die konsert het 'n ander musiekstyl vertoon."Werkwoord: Om in segmente te verdeel of te skei. Voorbeeld: "Die marknavorsingsverslag segmenteer die teikengehoor in verskeie demografieë."Selfstandige naamwoord (Wiskunde): 'n Lynsegment, wat deel is van 'n lyn wat deur twee eindpunte begrens word . Voorbeeld: "Die segment AB op die koördinaatvlak verbind punte A en B."Selfstandige naamwoord (Linguistiek): 'n Eenheid van spraak of skrif, soos 'n lettergreep of woord, dit is kleiner as 'n volledige uiting. Voorbeeld: "In fonetiek het die woord 'kat' drie segmente: /k/, /æ/ en /t/."Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die betekenis van "segment" kan wissel na gelang van die spesifieke veld of dissipline waarin dit gebruik word.


  1. section

Sentence Examples

  1. TechnoServe has had a number of additional successes in the horticulture segment including a project to grow chili peppers for a famous producer of hot sauce.
  2. A curved staircase allowed access to the dining segment without heading inside, so she made her way upstairs.
  3. Interesting segment on computer repair shop ripoffs and then something on Elvis.
  4. A circle of a few hundred feet in circumference was drawn, and each of the party took a segment for his portion.
  5. She promised to make sure her parents watched the news when my segment aired.
  6. To get this segment right, I needed to film Christy coaching Amanda through the turn.
  7. It is a little star-dust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched.
  8. Subway authorities would evacuate the station and shut down the system along that segment of the line while the police investigated the incident and maintenance crews cleaned up the mess.
  9. The convex surface of any segment of a sphere is, to the entire surface of the sphere itself, as the versed sine of the segment to the diameter of the sphere.