English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "broei" is om die oppervlak van iets met intense hitte te verbrand of te verkool of om groot emosionele pyn of nood te veroorsaak. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n kooktegniek waar kos vinnig op hoë hitte gekook word om 'n verbruin of gekaramelliseerde buitekant te skep. Boonop kan dit iets beskryf wat uiters intens of kragtig is, soos 'n skerp pyn of 'n skerp kritiek.

Sentence Examples

  1. If I move, even a fraction, daggers of agony radiate through the whole of me, eclipsing the searing pain of the burns I received exiting the car, burns on my face and my hands.
  2. My eyes water at the searing pain in my neck when the final strike comes, putting my car to a definite halt.
  3. Sizzling orange gave way to blazing gold to searing blue to blistering white.
  4. His eyes flitted about, the vibrant green etched with searing pain.
  5. Expanding my lungs any farther sent hot flashes of searing pain throughout my body.
  6. Lance shuddered, despite the warmth of the sun, as the searing pain that had torn open his small, young body once more ripped its way through his consciousness.
  7. Something wrapped around my neck, pulling my head back, a white-hot line of pain searing into my skin.
  8. The short blade scored the leather apron but went on to cut a searing red gash in the flesh of his shoulder, blood spilling from the wound to patter on the dusty floor.
  9. He leaned forward and captured my lips in a searing kiss that spoke his happiness louder than any words.
  10. Agape, his lips brush the back of my hand, searing a sense of security and prickling warmth throughout my being.