English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "skrop" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Skoonmaak: Om iets te skrop beteken om dit kragtig skoon te maak deur dit met 'n kwas of spons en water of skoonmaakoplossing te vryf.Verwydering: Skrop kan ook verwys na die handeling om iets te verwyder deur dit hard te vryf, soos om verf af te skrop of vuil weg te skrop.Redigering: In die konteks van video- of oudio-redigering beteken skrop om deur 'n tydlyn te beweeg deur 'n wyser heen en weer te sleep, wat die redigeerder in staat stel om vinnig spesifieke gedeeltes van die inhoud op te spoor en na te luister. Afwysing: In sommige informele kontekste kan skrop beteken om iets te kanselleer of van die hand te wys, soos om planne te skrop om uit te gaan of om 'n projek te skrop.


  1. scrub
  2. scouring

Sentence Examples

  1. He took the cup from her hands and returned the favor, and it did feel nice, his big fingers scrubbing gently.
  2. She started scrubbing a shirt against the smooth boulder she used, but suddenly doubled over and vomited into the river.
  3. Her attempt at scrubbing the filth from her clothes left them stiff and cold against her skin.
  4. She held each garment in the river, letting the current flow through it, before scrubbing it with the soap and plunging it into the tub.
  5. Scrubbing my hands to remove the layers of fertile soil, I look out the window, forlorn.
  6. She sighed and began dipping the hard bar of laundry soap into the river and scrubbing it against a white rock.
  7. She dried herself off with towels from the roll and spent ten minutes scrubbing the gross mat of God-only-knew-what out of her hair under the faucet with hand soap.
  8. The next twenty minutes consisted of swearing, scrubbing, and possibly a tear or two, though Lance tried to convince himself that some soap got in his eyes.
  9. She kept scrubbing down the meat and produce trays even though the meat and produce were long gone, spoiled and reeking and thrown out the back where the stench could waft away.
  10. Because we both had smart mouths, we spent a lot of time scrubbing toilets and doing pushups side by side after getting snippy with superior officers.