English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skuur" is om deeglik skoon te maak, te poets of te was deur kragtig te skrop. Dit kan ook verwys na die soek of fynkam van 'n area of 'n databasis vir iets, of om iets oor te gaan met 'n fyn-tand kam om enige onsuiwerhede of ongewenste materiaal te verwyder. Boonop kan "geskuur" ook verwys na om vinnig en vinnig deur 'n plek te beweeg, soos in "hy het deur die woud geskuur om die ander kant te bereik."


  1. eroded

Sentence Examples

  1. I scoured the internet for information on premonitions and Guardians but got no hits on the latter, so I shifted all my attention back on becoming an Amethyst.
  2. I found male bartenders slash strippers who could pass for deeply disturbed billionaires, scoured every thrift store for gray neckties, and turned a corner of the Starlight Room into the Red Room of Pain.
  3. It took years of toil, blood, sweat, and tears to put together even the most meagre of housing for everyone, but my power helped as I scoured any book I could scavenge on construction to make things even the slightest bit easier.
  4. Tiredness last night ran him into the ground otherwise he would have scoured every square inch of the town.
  5. They scoured the roads, they searched the woods and all quarters, and at the end of three days they found the flighty Leandra in a mountain cave, stript to her shift, and robbed of all the money and precious jewels she had carried away from home with her.
  6. But the wars that scoured the lands of Midgard two hundred winters ago have no bearings on us now.
  7. Malloy scoured the tablet, his bushy eyebrows rising occasionally in surprise, at other times knitting together in concern.
  8. The dragon skimmed the tops of the forest trees as Arantay scoured the area.
  9. He scoured and polished it as best he could, but he perceived one great defect in it, that it had no closed helmet, nothing but a simple morion.
  10. Mark raised his face to the sky and enjoyed the cold rain as it scoured his face.