English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "wetenskaplik" hou verband met of gebaseer op die beginsels en metodes van wetenskap. Dit impliseer 'n streng en sistematiese benadering tot kennisverwerwing, deur gebruik te maak van waarneming, eksperimentering en analise om tot akkurate en betroubare gevolgtrekkings te kom. Wetenskaplike ondersoek behels tipies die formulering van hipoteses, die uitvoer van empiriese navorsing en die toets van die hipoteses deur waarneming en eksperimentering. Die woord "wetenskaplik" kan gebruik word om 'n wye reeks velde te beskryf, insluitend biologie, fisika, chemie, sielkunde en sosiologie, onder andere. Dit word dikwels geassosieer met 'n verbintenis tot objektiwiteit, akkuraatheid en presisie in die strewe na kennis.

Sentence Examples

  1. A year ago which of us would have received such a possibility, in the midst of our scientific, sceptical, matter-of-fact nineteenth century?
  2. The inspector knew better than to disturb him during these critical moments of scientific scrutiny.
  3. Only one person named after a scientific unit of temperature.
  4. This level appeared to be a scientific research area from the number of people wearing lab coats.
  5. Osborne, two gentlemen well known for scientific acquirement, and especially for the interest they have exhibited in the progress of ærostation.
  6. Surprising, right, for someone who was supposed to love the scientific method?
  7. She had seeded mentions around the internet of a scientific team who had taken an interest in the portal.
  8. Another wall was hidden by floor-to-ceiling bookshelves containing Encyclopedias, chemistry journals, over a hundred issues of Scientific American, construction manuals, and how-to books for do-it-yourselfers.
  9. His criticisms are, however, distinguished for scientific precision and coherence of logic.
  10. I braced myself for the request for a scientific explanation, which came about forty percent of the time.