English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "skoolkamer" is 'n kamer in 'n skool waar onderrig plaasvind. Dit is 'n fisiese ruimte in 'n skoolgebou waar studente en 'n onderwyser bymekaarkom vir opvoedkundige onderrig en leer. Die skoolkamer is tipies toegerus met lessenaars of tafels, stoele, 'n swartbord of witbord en ander onderrigmateriaal om die leerproses te vergemaklik.


  1. classroom

Sentence Examples

  1. Apparently there had been some appalling act of justice recently inflicted, for his scholars were all busily intent upon their books, or slyly whispering behind them with one eye kept upon the master and a kind of buzzing stillness reigned throughout the schoolroom.
  2. It was my privilege to be your friend and guide when you came from the schoolroom to prepare for the world of life.
  3. All was now bustle and hubbub in the late quiet schoolroom.