English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "verstrooid" is om in verskeie willekeurige rigtings gegooi te word of om sonder enige volgorde of rangskikking oor 'n gebied versprei te word. Dit kan ook beteken om in verskillende rigtings versprei of geskei te wees. Dit kan gebruik word om dinge soos voorwerpe, mense of idees te beskryf wat nie op een plek bymekaar is nie, maar eerder wyd op verskillende plekke versprei is. Boonop kan "verspreid" gebruik word om 'n persoon se gedagtes of optrede te beskryf wanneer hulle ongeorganiseerd of ongefokus is.

Sentence Examples

  1. A few scattered papers cluttered the desk, the garbage pail had recently been emptied, and what looked like a grade book sat on the corner table near a reading lamp.
  2. I peek into the old-fashioned bathroom with its giant tub and pedestal sink and see bath products open and scattered about.
  3. He was fiddling with the Chameleon device and had scattered dismantled bits of metal and wire and god-knew-what all over the table.
  4. As they scattered, exclaiming in shock, I lunged and grabbed his foot.
  5. Some say the spawn were killed, more believe Akirandon still has them, others say the spawn were lost or else scattered across the realms.
  6. Part of the ceiling had collapsed, and furniture from the upper floor had slid down and scattered all over the room.
  7. So faint she had almost mistaken it for a random blot, there was a hash mark next to the entry, just as there were with at least six others scattered throughout the ledger.
  8. Sitting in the shade of scattered trees, people picnicked while kids ran freely in play.
  9. I stepped outside for some fresh air where forget-me-not blue skies and scattered cotton ball clouds greeted me.
  10. Hours later, I still lay tossing and turning when a sharp pain pierced my head and was followed by an explosion of bright colors and scattered black dots.