English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "steier" is 'n verhoogde platform of struktuur wat gebruik word om aan geboue, skepe of ander groot strukture te werk, te bou of te herstel. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n tydelike struktuur wat opgerig is vir gebruik in die teregstelling van mense deur ophang, of vir die vertoon van misdadigers of ander oortreders. In 'n figuurlike sin kan "steier" ook verwys na 'n stelsel of raamwerk wat iets ondersteun of hou, soos 'n stel idees of 'n projekplan.

Sentence Examples

  1. Whoever had grabbed me was the person who had tried to ride us down, and he was rushing towards the scaffold leading out, fast.
  2. They all appeared with dejected looks, and in the meanest habit, most of them telling me they died in poverty and disgrace, and the rest on a scaffold or a gibbet.
  3. The bell jolted from its hook and came crashing through the scaffold tower, the planks splintering as the bell smashed down onto the priest.
  4. This gloomy fortress, which has for more than three hundred years furnished food for so many wild legends, seemed to Dantès like a scaffold to a malefactor.
  5. A double line of carbineers, placed on each side of the door of the church, reached to the scaffold, and formed a circle around it, leaving a path about ten feet wide, and around the guillotine a space of nearly a hundred feet.
  6. The executioner made a sign, and his two assistants leaped from the scaffold and seized him.
  7. Elizabeth watched as the last convict was led to the scaffold.
  8. Dean heard the planks crack but without notice the scaffold fractured around the bell tower.
  9. The malefactor was fixed in a chair upon a scaffold erected for the purpose, and his head cut off at a blow with a sword of about forty feet long.
  10. The two assistants had borne Andrea to the scaffold, and there, in spite of his struggles, his bites, and his cries, had forced him to his knees.