English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "wreedheid" is die toestand of kwaliteit van wreedheid, wat gekenmerk word deur wreedheid, brutaliteit of geweld. Dit kan verwys na die gedrag of optrede van 'n persoon of groep wat as primitief, onbeskaafd of barbaars beskou word. Dit kan ook 'n toestand van wildheid of gebrek aan beheer beskryf, wat dikwels met 'n gewelddadige of vernietigende mag geassosieer word. Boonop kan "wreedheid" gebruik word om 'n tyd of tydperk in die geskiedenis te beskryf wat gekenmerk is deur uiterste geweld of brutaliteit.


  1. barbarism
  2. barbarity
  3. brutality

Sentence Examples

  1. Sigyn liked to think abandoning the savagery represented progress.
  2. As they began fighting the ferocity and sheer animal savagery was overwhelming.
  3. A stranger could not hear this note, and to such a stranger the growling of White Fang was an exhibition of primordial savagery, nerve-racking and blood-curdling.
  4. For others, like Azaz The Bloody Bear King, it brought out their savagery.
  5. For all their vaunted courage and undoubted savagery, the Norse could not stand against the lances of the most skilled light horsemen in Europe.
  6. Berserkir and varulfur were savage, but savagery had its uses.
  7. Tarkyn could feel the savagery directed against the woodman and received a strong image of Waterstone, hard-pressed and climbing further up into the tree.