English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "sous" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Vloeibare of halfvaste stof wat saam met kos bedien word om geur te gee of die smaak daarvan te verbeter.Figuurlik iets wat lus of pikantheid by 'n situasie of gesprek voeg.Slang, astrantheid, vrymoedigheid of vermetelheid.As 'n werkwoord beteken "sous" om sous by kos te voeg, of om astrant of astrant te praat of op te tree.

Sentence Examples

  1. His Bolognese sauce was perfect, made even better with some fresh pasta I brought up from the store, along with odds and ends for a spring salad.
  2. The waiter arrives and sets down two wire baskets of croquettes along with bowls of dipping sauce arranged on a thin rectangle of basalt.
  3. I wiped barbecue sauce from my face, more for time to think than good manners.
  4. I reach for the last croquette and move the bowl of sauce closer.
  5. His breakfast consisted of a side-dish, a broiled fish with Reading sauce, a scarlet slice of roast beef garnished with mushrooms, a rhubarb and gooseberry tart, and a morsel of Cheshire cheese, the whole being washed down with several cups of tea, for which the Reform is famous.
  6. I made garlic bread and threw together a pasta dish with zucchini, tomatoes, orange peppers, and a white cream sauce.
  7. And of course, bringing all the tartar sauce gave you extra points, too.
  8. They looked gourmet and the white sauce smelled wonderful.
  9. The green sauce has certainly been made on the premises.
  10. Gloria busies herself dunking sausages into the dollop of tomato sauce Bill has centred on her plate, smearing red streaks around the rim.