English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is die woord "sapiens" 'n Latynse byvoeglike naamwoord wat in Engels vertaal word met "wys" of "intelligent". Dit word algemeen gebruik in die konteks van die wetenskaplike naam Homo sapiens, wat na die moderne menslike spesie verwys. "Sapiens" is afgelei van die Latynse werkwoord "sapere," wat beteken "om wys te wees" of "om kennis te hê." In die konteks van biologie en antropologie word "sapiens" gebruik om die onderskeidende kenmerk van mense te beskryf as 'n spesie wat oor gevorderde kognitiewe vermoëns en intellektuele vermoëns beskik.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Lethi were desperate to be manifested, and sapiens were desperate for power.
  2. He could feel his skin charring black and melting off his body in gobs, but even as it did, the symbiote channeled the stolen life force of other sapiens to repair it, healing him almost immediately.
  3. What did the sapiens in the Hussar chariot feel like?
  4. The god-being had possessed many sapiens in its time.
  5. We ran the infection process backward in the computer, so to speak, undoing the damage this thing did on our model organisms, all the way up to people, to homo sapiens.
  6. Male Homo Sapiens warped into an entirely new species through mutation of their Y chromosome.
  7. Because even if it was surely a fact that, after exchanging looks they had greeted each other, it was on no account an event since, if nothing else, in recognition of the un-questionable fact that they happened to be the only representatives of the species Homo Sapiens on that beach, it would have been completely rude of them not to have done so.
  8. This may be the beginning of the largest evolutionary leap since homo sapiens emerged from homo erectus.
  9. In addition, that they both belonged to the Homo sapiens species.