English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sand" is:Bedek of bestaan uit sand, of met 'n korrelige tekstuur soos sand.Llyk soos sand in kleur of tekstuur; geel-bruin van kleur.Het sanderige grond, wat poreus, los en vinnig dreineer.Het verband met of kenmerkend van 'n kusgebied of strand, soos in "sandstrande" " of "sandstrande".(Informeel) Om vriendelik, warm en toeganklik te wees, soos in "'n sanderige persoonlikheid".Voorbeelde:Die strand het 'n lang, sanderige kus gehad wat kilometers ver gestrek het.Die sanderige grond was perfek om sekere soorte plante te kweek.Sy het 'n warm, sanderige persoonlikheid wat almal op hul gemak laat voel het.


  1. sandlike
  2. arenaceous

Sentence Examples

  1. We could see now the sandy road lying white before us, but there was on it no sign of a vehicle.
  2. Even as far as we strayed from course, the sandy line that was the city walls was still visible just on the northern horizon, standing vigil.
  3. In the middle of the bend was a wide sandy knoll, and in that sandy soil, thousands of yellow and blue wildflowers covered the ground.
  4. His sandy blond hair looked messy uneven bangs flopped to the side of his face.
  5. Surfers rode the tides coming to a belly crawl and finally jumped to the sandy shore.
  6. The sea is tumbling in over the shallows and the sandy flats with a roar, muffled in the sea-mists drifting inland.
  7. In one place part of the stonework of the graves stretches out over the sandy pathway far below.
  8. It was almost as though there was some sort of invisible wall between the lush green ground and the rocky, sandy, sterile land.
  9. His long fingers swept sandy blond hair behind his ears.