English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "steekproefneming" verwys na die handeling om 'n verteenwoordigende gedeelte of subset van 'n groter groep of populasie vir analise, evaluering of toetsing te kies. In statistiese terme verwys steekproefneming na die proses om 'n steekproef uit 'n populasie te kies met die doel om afleidings oor die populasie te maak. Steekproefneming word algemeen gebruik in navorsing, marknavorsing, gehaltebeheer en ander gebiede waar dit onprakties of onmoontlik is om die hele bevolking te ontleed. Steekproefneming kan met verskillende metodes gedoen word, insluitend ewekansige steekproefneming, gestratifiseerde steekproefneming, groepsteekproefneming en geriefsteekproefneming.

Sentence Examples

  1. He had observed that most of them came to the square to seek the elusive California promise by sampling the rants of raw food worshipers, advocates of universal nudity, prophets declaring the drift of the southland toward its earthquake-wrought destiny as a Pacific Island, and boosters offering shares in oil property, or hawking residential lots along some projected road or rail artery for ten or twelve dollars a month.
  2. After sampling the offerings from the rest of the booths, Krista was able to think with a clearer mind.