English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "slaai" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord met veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is die primêre woordeboekbetekenisse van die woord:'n Dis wat bestaan uit 'n mengsel van rou of gaar bestanddele, tipies groente, vrugte, of albei, dikwels gekombineer met 'n slaaisous: Hierdie kan blaarslaai, spinasie, tamaties, komkommers, wortels, uie, vrugte en verskeie ander bestanddele insluit. Slaaie word dikwels as 'n bygereg of as hoofgereg bedien.'n Mengsel of verskeidenheid van verskeie dinge: In 'n breër sin kan "slaai" verwys na enige kombinasie of versameling van uiteenlopende elemente, wat nie noodwendig met voedsel verband hou nie. Byvoorbeeld, iemand kan na 'n "slaai van idees" of 'n "slaai van kleure" verwys om 'n uiteenlopende verskeidenheid of mengsel te beskryf.Die primêre betekenis van "slaai" verwys na 'n gereg gemaak met groente, vrugte, of 'n kombinasie van beide, dikwels met 'n slaaisous. Die woord kan egter ook metafories gebruik word om 'n mengsel of verskeidenheid van verskillende elemente in nie-voedselkontekste te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. Maria chooses a seafood platter and a salad to share and hands Carlos the menu, indicating for us to do the same.
  2. While Myriam selected a cup of herbal tea and a fruit salad, I ordered a double espresso and a slice of coffee cake, needing the extra boost.
  3. Standing next to the refrigerated salad dressings, he was in a conversation with another employee who was stocking salad kits.
  4. An olla of rather more beef than mutton, a salad on most nights, scraps on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays, and a pigeon or so extra on Sundays, made away with three-quarters of his income.
  5. His Bolognese sauce was perfect, made even better with some fresh pasta I brought up from the store, along with odds and ends for a spring salad.
  6. As she approached her father told her in his own language that I was a captive belonging to his friend the Arnaut Mami, and that I had come for salad.
  7. The table is laid, with a bowl of mixed salad in the centre.
  8. The hostess seated us at a small table near the windows, where I ordered a house salad and club sandwich.
  9. After going through the salad bar we found a long table next to the wall.