English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sake" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Japannese alkoholiese drankie gemaak van gefermenteerde rys Voorbeeld: "Ek is mal daaroor om sake saam met soesji te drink."Selfstandige naamwoord: doel of rede Voorbeeld: "Ek het dit ter wille van my gesin gedoen."Selfstandige naamwoord: voordeel of voordeel Voorbeeld: "Ek hoop jy sal dit vir jou eie onthalwe doen."Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n hout- of bamboesskinkbord wat in Japannese kookkuns gebruik word om soesji of sashimi voor te sit Voorbeeld: "Die sjef het die soesji op 'n pragtige plek aangebied."Bywoord: gebruik om 'n oorsaak of motief aan te dui Voorbeeld: "Hy het vroeg vertrek om verkeer te vermy."


  1. interest

Sentence Examples

  1. Claustrophobia threatened to engulf her, but she had to swallow that up for the sake of her daughter.
  2. Every day he hanged a man, impaled one, cut off the ears of another and all with so little provocation, or so entirely without any, that the Turks acknowledged he did it merely for the sake of doing it, and because he was by nature murderously disposed towards the whole human race.
  3. He was also a diplomat, prepared to negotiate for the sake of putting people at ease.
  4. If your son write satires reflecting on the honour of others, chide and correct him, and tear them up but if he compose discourses in which he rebukes vice in general, in the style of Horace, and with elegance like his, commend him for it is legitimate for a poet to write against envy and lash the envious in his verse, and the other vices too, provided he does not single out individuals there are, however, poets who, for the sake of saying something spiteful, would run the risk of being banished to the coast of Pontus.
  5. For the sake of experiment I had put the cat and kittens in a small basket, and suspended it outside the car to a button at the bottom, close by the valve, through which I could feed them at any moment when necessary.
  6. With a mixed sense of shame and excitement, he knew that he liked the power for its own sake.
  7. Her working life gone to waste for the sake of a baby and the love of a man.
  8. Perhaps at this moment, envious of hers, thou art regarding her, either as she paces to and fro some gallery of her sumptuous palaces, or leans over some balcony, meditating how, whilst preserving her purity and greatness, she may mitigate the tortures this wretched heart of mine endures for her sake, what glory should recompense my sufferings, what repose my toil, and lastly what death my life, and what reward my services?
  9. Normally it was not in use, but a camping bed, a table and a chair had been installed for her sake, and there was an electric water boiler that allowed her to make some tea.
  10. Fogg played, not to win, but for the sake of playing.

TV Series Examples



lt's for his sake l rode here so hard