English to afrikaans meaning of

Sagebrush is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na enige van verskeie Noord-Amerikaanse artemisias (veral Artemisia tridentata) wat 'n bitter smaak, gewoonlik grysgroen blare het en tipies in droë gebiede (soos vlaktes of woestyne) aangetref word. Sagebrush word ook soms gebruik as 'n algemene term vir die plantegroei in gebiede waar hierdie plante dominant is.


  1. sage brush

Sentence Examples

  1. A ribbon of clear open road slicing through sagebrush prairie, the spicy scent of the desert like a strong whiff of incense.
  2. There was no snow on the ground even in December, but a rock-hard frost covered the sagebrush in the early parts of the morning and the road sparkled as if it had been paved with ground-up pieces of glass.