English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "heiligmaking" is die skending of misbruik van iets wat as heilig of heilig beskou word. Dit kan ook verwys na die oneerbiedige behandeling of ontheiliging van 'n godsdienstige voorwerp, plek of seremonie. Die term "heiligsheiliging" word dikwels gebruik om optrede te beskryf wat deur 'n spesifieke godsdiensgroep of gemeenskap as aanstootlik, oneerbiedig of heiligsheilig beskou word.


  1. blasphemy
  2. desecration
  3. profanation

Sentence Examples

  1. He had committed what was to him sacrilege, sunk his fangs into the holy flesh of a god, and of a white-skinned superior god at that.
  2. A young warrior chief among the Burongi was outraged at what was viewed as sacrilege.
  3. He would have brought his revolver until Marie said that would be sacrilege, so instead, he had his cumbersome baton under his jacket.