English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ritsel" is om 'n sagte, krakende geluid te maak, soos die geraas wat gemaak word deur droë blare of papier wat geskuif of saamgevryf word. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om iets of iemand met 'n ritselgeluid te beweeg of te roer, of na die handeling om vee of ander goedere te steel. Daarbenewens kan "ritsel" as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om na die klank of beweging self te verwys, soos in die sin: "Die geritsel van die blare in die wind was kalmerend."

Sentence Examples

  1. She held a finger up, warning him to be quiet, and he slowly moved his legs to the edge of the bed, taking care not to rustle his bedclothes.
  2. Her feet, in soft leather shoes, made no noise on the clean straw, and the rustle of her skirts on the wood wall was camouflaged by the noises from the beasts within.
  3. I heard the rustle of actual movement where I had first seen the white figure, and coming over, found the Professor holding in his arms a tiny child.
  4. Danton heard a slight rustle and turned his head to find Waterstone watching him from the edge of the clearing.
  5. We were a pack of two, running together, the forest silent except for our heavy breathing and the rustle we made crossing the decaying carpet beneath our feet.
  6. I spent most of the night listening to the wind rustle through the trees while I laid awake staring at the ceiling.
  7. Alone, Borg stood listening to the rustle of wind as life returned to the clearing.
  8. As gently as a gust of wind would rustle the needles of a pine, Kallan pushed against the door and entered the room.
  9. Their wings and calls drummed with the rustle of trees before the forest quieted down again.
  10. The sliding rustle of the bronze colored blade coming out into the open seemed to fill the entire sanctuary.