English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Russies" kan 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Persoon van Rusland, 'n land in Oos-Europa en Noord-Asië.Adjektief: Met betrekking tot Rusland of sy mense, taal of kultuur.Byvoeglike naamwoord: Van of met betrekking tot die voormalige Sowjet Unie.Selfstandige naamwoord: Die Oos-Slawiese taal wat in Rusland gepraat word, wat ook wyd gepraat word in ander lande wat eens deel van die Sowjetunie was.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Soort roulette waarin die bal in die teenoorgestelde rigting van die wiel gedraai word.Dit is opmerklik dat die woord "Russies" " kan soms op 'n neerhalende manier gebruik word of om mense van Rusland te stereotipeer, daarom is dit belangrik om bedag te wees op die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. You reached these on an unnamed gravel path, from a poorly paved country road to the north, by entering beneath a red stone arch hidden in the trees, replete with Russian writing that could have said absolutely anything as far as I knew.
  2. And two, the speaker was a foreigner, Russian probably, eastern European certainly.
  3. I was on my ass on the cold ground surrounded by the real country darkness of the Russian lake village.
  4. As the Irish, Italians, and Scandinavians desired to be seen first as Americans, so Garik sought a Russian identity.
  5. A transplanted Russian village, the residential section of which, on the east side of the lake, featured three streets running north and south, Tchaikovsky, Igor Sikorsky, and Turchin streets, each two short blocks long.
  6. I raced down as fast as I could run in the condition my vision had left me, past the crowd, some dressed, some in night clothes, trading excited Russian and English exclamations among themselves, and to the cabin.
  7. His brothers got him out of town hid him in their cabin at the Russian lake.
  8. It could have been any cabin anywhere, and would have been useless, had it not been for what I remembered in the background the stylized, conic roofs of, not one but two, old-world Russian buildings.
  9. The fellow slaves in my consignment were similarly clothed and bound, heads bowed low with the discomfort of their bonds, bodies wasted from their weeks dragged starving through the Russian countryside.
  10. The signs appeared before the last shell exploded, as the Russian Bear discarded its Czars, and it continued, as autocrats in Spain, Italy, and Germany came to power.