English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rommel" is 'n versameling gebreekte stukke klip, bakstene, beton of ander materiaal wat oorbly nadat 'n gebou of struktuur vernietig of afgebreek is. Puin kan ook verwys na enige growwe, onreëlmatige gevormde fragmente of puin, soos dié wat in natuurrampe of konstruksieterreine gevind word.


  1. junk
  2. debris
  3. detritus
  4. dust

Sentence Examples

  1. The truck plowed through the headstones and memorials, churning them to rubble under the heavy tires.
  2. The rubble burst in upon the battle itself, squashing several demons with a nasty squelch and blocking up the passageway.
  3. To help put the fear of God into those who would find her amidst the rubble.
  4. Taretta told them all to stand back as she shifted the pile of rubble using Earth element.
  5. The stone removed, she picked it up and hefted it to a pile of rubble at the end of the vegetable garden to be.
  6. Making his literary hiatus even worse, his visit to the aljibe at La Corona yesterday proved an arduous trek across acres of lava rubble, and when at last he arrived at the base of the volcano he found himself in an exposed, windswept locale.
  7. In the centre of the floor rubble has been piled in a heap.
  8. He picked his way through the rubble until he stood before me.
  9. On my way through the patio I pick a chunk of rock out of the rubble piled in its centre.
  10. Around the corner, the wyvern had been dragged out of the rubble and guards surrounded it, clearly trying to figure out how to get it back into the Passages.