English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "royalty" verwys na 'n groep of klas mense wat koninklike rang of status beklee, of na die regte of voorregte wat met so 'n rang of status geassosieer word. Dit kan ook verwys na die betaling wat aan 'n eienaar gemaak word vir die gebruik van hul eiendom, soos patente, kopiereg of mineraalregte, wat tipies 'n persentasie is van die inkomste of winste verdien uit die gebruik van daardie eiendom. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na die kwaliteit of kenmerke van koninklike of majestueuse wees, of na 'n bedrag wat aan 'n skrywer, komponis of kunstenaar betaal word vir elke kopie van hul werk wat verkoop word.


  1. royal family
  2. royal house
  3. royal line

Sentence Examples

  1. Along with a living, breathing renegade Pearl Princess, as well as an old Niscian monk and two blond haired children of Vic royalty in our bid to overthrow the Dark Lords and their minions, the legendary First Clan.
  2. I hope you do not forgo Boston for the glamour of dining with royalty.
  3. He wore a thick, black cape that would indicate royalty, if not for the blood stains and ragged edges that dragged on the ground.
  4. With her exquisite beauty, she stands out like royalty in the crowd.
  5. The one her father had called Rainer was a bit shorter, with brown hair and a trimmed goatee in the style of Kalimar royalty.
  6. They had no ruling class of their own and no experience of royalty.
  7. Despite being freshly mated to a pair of turul royalty, she should have been able to become aroused by another.
  8. I could only imagine what having Enzarian royalty at Central would mean.
  9. Her position had in recent times been elevated from one of minor royalty to the heir to the throne.
  10. The royalty of Egypt traveled by camel and chariot, but their hapless slaves were forced to make the entire journey on foot.