English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vrot" is iets wat besig is om te ontbind of te verval, of in 'n toestand van verval of waardeloosheid is. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat korrup, moreel verdorwe of boos is. As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord kan dit gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat op een of ander manier onaangenaam, aanstootlik of onbevredigend is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Was it all a rotten coincidence that had nothing to do with me?
  2. It stood as stolid and stunning as it had ever been, but she saw it now as rotten within.
  3. To conclude, Ricote liberally recompensed and rewarded as well the renegade as the men who had rowed and the renegade effected his readmission into the body of the Church and was reconciled with it, and from a rotten limb became by penance and repentance a clean and sound one.
  4. To a couple of dull and unimaginative cops the situation must have looked pretty rotten for me.
  5. I have visited the market-places, as your worship advises me, and yesterday I found a stall-keeper selling new hazel nuts and proved her to have mixed a bushel of old empty rotten nuts with a bushel of new I confiscated the whole for the children of the charity-school, who will know how to distinguish them well enough, and I sentenced her not to come into the market-place for a fortnight they told me I did bravely.
  6. While so engaged he raised his eyes and saw that his master had halted, and was trying with the point of his pike to lift some bulky object that lay upon the ground, on which he hastened to join him and help him if it were needful, and reached him just as with the point of the pike he was raising a saddle-pad with a valise attached to it, half or rather wholly rotten and torn but so heavy were they that Sancho had to help to take them up, and his master directed him to see what the valise contained.
  7. Many had tried before to examine my imagined depths, found nothing but unending layers of rotten onion and had eventually given up peeling.
  8. Even Rotten Ralph contributed some of his precious tomatoes.
  9. A stench similar to rotten plants attacked my nostrils.
  10. He climbed into bed, relieved that his friends were willing to stand by him, but still feeling rotten that he was the reason everyone was in danger.