English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "Romeins" kan afhang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike betekenisse:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n boorling of inwoner van Rome, Italië. Voorbeeld: "Die Romeine het indrukwekkende strukture gebou soos die Colosseum en die Pantheon."Adjektief: wat verband hou met of kenmerkend van antieke Rome of sy mense, taal of kultuur. Voorbeeld: "Die Romeinse Ryk was een van die magtigste ryke in die geskiedenis."Adjektief: wat verband hou met of kenmerkend van die moderne stad Rome of sy mense, taal, of kultuur. Voorbeeld: "Romeinse kookkuns bevat baie pastageregte."Byvoeglike naamwoord: geskryf in die Latynse alfabet. Voorbeeld: "Die meeste Europese tale, insluitend Engels, word in die Romeinse alfabet geskryf."Byvoeglike naamwoord: dui op 'n lettertipe wat geskoei is op die styl van antieke Romeinse inskripsies, met regop letters en serifs. Voorbeeld: "Times New Roman is 'n gewilde lettertipe keuse vir akademiese vraestelle."

Sentence Examples

  1. He would be a lot more pliable than Philip would ever be, for the son of Charles V, The Holy Roman Emperor, was a man who had been destined to rule and prepared for such a role.
  2. They asked Julius Cæsar, the valiant Roman emperor, what was the best death.
  3. The new Spain was the mightiest power the world had seen since the Roman Empire and it had not yet been called upon to pay the price of its greatness.
  4. Who would fill the void as the Holy Roman Empire crumbled.
  5. As the battle for souls and territory continued, the white bishop of Rome as head of the Holy Roman Empire was seldom tame.
  6. On the cloth being removed Don Antonio, taking Don Quixote by the hand, passed with him into a distant room in which there was nothing in the way of furniture except a table, apparently of jasper, resting on a pedestal of the same, upon which was set up, after the fashion of the busts of the Roman emperors, a head which seemed to be of bronze.
  7. With a sharp jaw, roman nose, and big grey eyes, he had the kind of face artists would piss themselves to paint.
  8. Hereafter a very notorious Roman Emperor will institute this worship in Rome, and thence derive a cognomen, Heliogabalus.
  9. The head, which resembled a bust or figure of a Roman emperor, and was coloured like bronze, was hollow throughout, as was the table, into which it was fitted so exactly that no trace of the joining was visible.
  10. And yet, on the faith of an honest man, I never spoke ill of any enchanter, and I am not so well off that I am to be envied to be sure, I am rather sly, and I have a certain spice of the rogue in me but all is covered by the great cloak of my simplicity, always natural and never acted and if I had no other merit save that I believe, as I always do, firmly and truly in God, and all the holy Roman Catholic Church holds and believes, and that I am a mortal enemy of the Jews, the historians ought to have mercy on me and treat me well in their writings.