English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pad" is 'n deurgang, roete of manier vir reis tussen twee plekke, tipies geplavei en wyd genoeg vir voertuie om verby te gaan. Dit kan ook verwys na enige pad, spoor of baan wat gebruik word om van een plek na 'n ander te reis. Daarbenewens kan die woord "pad" gebruik word om 'n reis of 'n spesifieke rigting of pad geneem te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. I pulled to the side of the road and waited for the officer.
  2. I half-expected Nell to order us to run out into the road.
  3. As we came out of the Passage and headed back down the road to Central, I almost dared to think things would pass without a hitch.
  4. It was thick as smoke here on the main road they used magic-based engines to power their vehicles.
  5. I crossed the road in a zigzag to avoid the thrashing tail, which left dents wherever it struck the tarmac.
  6. I made for a main road, weaving in and out of the crowd, and veering into a side street alongside a hover-car transit point.
  7. Forks of reddish-purple lightning burst into life, and I stood, raising a hand, gathered the lighting in my palm and sent it, not at Ellen, but at the road in front of her.
  8. I steered the car past the road that led to the Passages.
  9. I reached the other side of the road, tugging my laces undone, and slid my foot out of my own shoe and into the loose metal-plated hover-boot.
  10. I had a quick wash in the sink, as I was covered in grime from falling in the road and my knees were a mess of matted blood.